A pre-wedding celebration

As any of you who’ve been reading this blog for a while know, Yvette and I are engaged — in the past few months, while we giddily awaited & planed our wedding next Summer, we realised that not all of Yvette’s family and friends here in Venezuela would be… Read on

Back travelling

Well! Here we are nearly a year after we left on our sabbatical and half a year since it finished! After Buenos Aires we fit many more activities into our days, and made more friends along the way, leaving us with much less time for writing blog posts. I'… Read on

Interlude: Pack Post

We’ve been so busy recently, here in the middle of the Atacama desert, that I’ve not had time to write a post for you all! However I’ve been sneaky and (perhaps somewhat unexpectedly) well prepared, and put together an interlude post for a quiet moment while we… Read on

Buenos Aires: Eres Hermosa

It’s about time I publish this post about our time in Buenos Aires! I’m getting quite delayed in tidying & posting my notes (we left on the 4th of Feb, and it’s now the 23rd…), mainly because of how much we’re fitting into our Brazilian days!… Read on

Argentinan Patagonia

I've been stuck moderately immobile for a bit, while my IT-bands recover from so much hiking (and so little preparation!), so you’ve got another post from me, written mostly while Yvette enjoyed the hiking in “Argentina’s trekking capital” here in El Chálten. (Don’t pity me… Read on

A Patagonian love story

A day or two before arriving in Patagonia I started looking at reviews of the “W” circuit hike that is one of the star attractions of the region. It’s a 70km hike with two 1km high viewpoints to reach, that we were planning to complete over 5 days (and… Read on

An aerial Pacific sunset

We were graced with a rare treat on the flight South to Santiago de Chile; being in the West-facing window seats for a stunning sunset over the Pacific. If you’ll forgive my inner physicist a moment; being 12,500m up means the sun can get even lower below the… Read on

Cartagena soleada

¡Guao, que tan gloriosa es Colombia! We've had an absolutely stunning start to our backpacking holiday — so good, in fact, that you'd be hard pressed to call it anything but luxurious! So far as I can tell there are three reasons for this; the weather is… Read on